This Diwali, Celebrate Safety With Gelco's MCBs & ELCBs

This Diwali, Celebrate Safety With Gelco's MCBs & ELCBs

With all Diwali preparations being in full swing, let’s not overlook the safety of your family, especially your home and appliances. Remember, celebrations are joyous only when safety is well in place. Diwali is the festival, marked with lights. Face-lifting your home with bright and fancy lights is the very essence of this festive season. But we usually ignore the responsibility of the electric safety that comes along. Brighten up your home, office, or any other domestic or commercial space with full surety of safety with the wide range of switchgear by Gelco Electronics.

Diwali is a time when fatal accidents are most common due to electrical hazards. These are mostly caused as the circuits get overloaded due to faulty equipment, poor wiring, old plugs, damaged power tools, etc. and hence cause short circuits and electric fires. To avoid situations like these, the installation of quality switchgears is very important.

Switchgears are a combination of circuit breakers, fuses, and disconnect switches that control, isolate, and protect all-electric equipment. They manage the release and interruption of the flow of current according to the conditions (normal or abnormal). They help in the smooth running of the equipment, as they manage the power generated and balances the power distributed through the circuit. This avoids any damage caused to equipment during voltage fluctuation or while using faulty equipment.

This Diwali, double up the safety and health of your electronic equipment with a wide range of sophisticated switchgear by Gelco Electronics. Our quality range of switchgear offers superior performance with a compact design that provides the much-needed high level protection to the equipment and humans as well.

Miniature Circuit Breaker:

Miniature Circuit Breakers or MCBs are essential to protect your electronic equipment at home or commercial spaces during a short circuit caused by excessive flow of current. They automatically trip (switch off) and interrupt the current flow to protect your equipment. They are useful under situations like short circuits, leakage current, and high voltages. Also, ensure human safety by avoiding electric shocks.

During Diwali, consumers facelift their domestic and commercial spaces, using fancy decorative lightings, and also, the use of other appliances for various activities increases. The heavy consumption of electricity can over-burden the circuits. Also, voltage fluctuation is quite common during the festivals. The uneven flow of electric current can cause permanent damage to your electric equipment and short circuits can be fatal to human life.

Our MCBs are designed to control and manage situations like these. Our wide range of circuit breakers come with multiple specifications for different types of load to handle any situation at any level. Their robust design allows to display the details of the current flowing into the circuit and is well-equipped to automatically trip in abnormal situations to avoid any damage or accidents.

You can choose from our wide range of MCBs, designed to operate at both domestic and commercial levels.

Earth-Leakage Circuit Breaker:

Earth-Leakage Circuit Breaker or ELCB is a safety device that comes in handy during current leakage. They disconnect the flow of current if any dangerous voltage is detected to avoid electric shocks and fire. This is essential for human safety as it doesn’t let the lingering current to harm the human.

As mentioned before, the heavy usage of electric appliances and lighting systems during the festive season can overload the circuits and cause voltage fluctuations and current leakage, further causing hazards and accidents. During these times, it is very important to install human safety devices and properly insulate homes and offices to avoid any electric shocks and further fatal accidents.

Gelco provides a wide range of ELCBs that are designed to ensure safety from electric shocks. They come in various specifications to handle different types of load, both domestically and commercially. They safeguard the equipment from burning and ensure no harm to human life.

You can choose from our wide range of ELCBs, designed to operate at both domestic and commercial levels.

In addition to that, ensure the heath of your electronic equipment by keeping in view the following points:

  • Replace old/worn-out equipment with new advanced equipment as defective equipment overloads the circuit to cause short-circuits.
  • Replace the electric wiring, every 10-15 years with advanced quality wiring as the old wiring system isn’t advanced enough to handle the burden of new upcoming electronic gadgets.
  • Check for old faulty elements – poor wiring, faulty plugs and power tools, poor quality cords as they are the major cause for electrocution during the festive season and otherwise.
  • Well-insulate your house and commercial space with products from only well-trusted brands such as Gelco Electronics. As even a little ignorance can be hazardous when it comes to the health of your electric equipment.

With proper safety devices and measures well in place, live up the spirit of this festive season. And let it only bring along prosperity and joy while Gelco Electronics looks after the safety of your family and appliances.

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