High Bay Lighting Solution for Your Space

High Bay Lighting Solution for Your Space

High Bay Lighting solution is a popular choice for illuminating huge indoor spaces. It has been considered the most appropriate solution for both commercial and industrial spaces that are huge, and spread across large areas with high ceilings and require high-power lighting, like manufacturing units, gymnasiums, warehouses, large department stores, factories, conference halls, event centres etc. Given the placement of the High Bay Lights, a high-ceiling location, they make an ideal lighting solution for spaces with ceilings ranging from 20 feet to approximately 45 feet. The high ceiling location has the capacity to lighten up a larger area with clear and uniform lighting.

Different kinds of High Bay Lights have varied kinds of reflectors installed. Each reflector kind can accomplish different kinds of illumination tasks. For instance, light flows directly down to the floor through an aluminium reflector whereas a prismatic reflector creates a more diffused lighting that can be useful for illuminating shelves and other elevated objects in space.

The High Bay Lights are fixed with various lighting technologies. The various fixtures used include metal halide (MH) lights, high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights, fluorescent lights and LED lights with the former three being traditional lighting solutions and LED being comparatively a newer solution. Each of the solutions has its own pros and cons. The traditional lighting fixtures provide a pocket-friendly solution with lesser investment but don’t last as long and use more energy. The LED lighting fixture on the contrary has been a game changer and has come to dominate the High Bay marketplace with improvements in energy efficiency and service life as well as considerably improved colour rendering accuracy.

In addition to the above-stated lighting fixtures, there are other options available such as Round High Bay lights, Linear High Bay lights, Architectural High Bay lights and Grid-Mount High Bay lights. These widely offer varied light qualities and coverage styles. We shall discuss that in detail in our upcoming blogs.

Why buy from Gelco Electronics?

Gelco Electronics is a trusted brand in the market with the goodwill of providing effective services and quality products since 1984. Gelco Electronics majorly specialises in two kinds of High Bay Lights - GLHBY-60E and GLHBY-150P, each holding specific technical specifications. Other than that, they provide to be:

  • High efficiency
  • Consumes lesser energy than any conventional lighting system
  • Higher Durability and longer life-span than any conventional lighting system
  • Higher lumen output than any conventional lighting system
  • Better thermal management than any conventional lighting system
  • Low maintenance
  • Eco-friendly and free from any toxic elements

Other benefits provided by Gelco Electronics:

  • 12 months warranty
  • 10 Days replacement
  • Direct purchase from the manufacturer
  • Free shipping

With multiple choices of lighting systems and fixtures to choose from, one needs to be aware of their requirements. Also, get in touch with our expert staff to help you with your questions to make the best selection.

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